Take your first financial step by filling out the FAFSA

Use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to apply for federal aid, like the Pell Grant, student loans, and college work-study. Most states and schools use the FAFSA to award financial aid.

Apply as soon as possible AFTER October 1, for upcoming academic year. Don't wait until you're admitted to apply.

The U.S. Department of Education encourages you to pay attention to deadlines.Your state or schools may have different deadlines and require additional forms.

Other tips:

Apply Early!
State and school deadlines vary and tend to be early. Find out exact deadline dates. Federal Student Aid will process your FAFSA if it is received on or before the deadline. However, for you to receive aid, your school must have correct, complete FAFSA information before your last day of enrollment.

Complete Your Tax Return!
We recommend you (and your parents if a dependent student) complete your tax return before filling out your FAFSA. This makes completing the FAFSA easier. If you have not filed your tax return yet, you can still submit your FAFSA but must provide correct income and tax data once you have filed.

Save Time: File Electronically!
Submit your FAFSA online. It is the fastest and most accurate way to apply for student aid.

Ask: Do I Need Additional Forms?
Many schools and states rely on the FAFSA as the single application for student aid. However, it's wise to check with your state agency and the financial aid office at the school you plan to attend to see if they require additional forms.

Or apply for WASFA

The Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA) is for people who do not file a federal FAFSA for various reasons, such as:

  •  Immigration status, or student is undocumented
  • Undocumented parents or family members do not wish to file a FAFSA
  • Defaulted federal loans
  • Repayments owed on federal grants
  • Inability to provide selective service confirmation


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