Job Details

School Psychologists


Diagnose and implement individual or schoolwide interventions or strategies to address educational, behavioral, or developmental issues that adversely impact educational functioning in a school. May address student learning and behavioral problems and counsel students or families. May design and implement performance plans, and evaluate performance. May consult with other school-based personnel. 

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Employment Outlook
Growth Rate Click for more information on Growth rate N/A
Openings Per Year Click for more information on Employment outlook N/A
Median Hourly Click for more information on Median Hourly Wage $49 per hour
Average Annual Click for more information on Average Wage $99,410 per year
Education Needed Click for more information on Education needed Most of these occupations require graduate school. For example, they may require a master's degree, and some require a Ph.D., M.D., or J.D. (law degree). 
Education Available
in Washington Click for more information on Education Available
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