
Training programs must meet minimum completion, employment, and earnings standards to remain ETP-eligible from one year to the next. The Workforce Board regularly conducts a performance review of all ETP-eligible programs on Career Bridge to determine which programs meet minimum standards. Schools provide student data to the Workforce Board each year. Staff use student records and match them with files provided by the state's Employment Security Department to determine the employment and earnings of students after leaving training programs.
- Completion rate of 30 percent.
- Employment rate of 50 percent.
- Earnings level of $5,000 in a calendar quarter or $13.70 per hour.
The Workforce Board sets minimum standards each year. Learn more at: WIOA Policy No. 5611: Governor's Procedure for Determing Training Program Eligibility.
ETP Performance Results
After the Workforce Board conducts its evaluation, the results are mailed to training providers letting them know which programs met minimum standards, and which did not.
Training providers have 30 days to send a letter to the Workforce Board stating their intent to appeal the results of the decision. All letters must be received by the Workforce Board by November 9, 2024.
Training providers then have an additional 30 days after that to provide supplemental data to the Workforce Board. All supplemental data must be received by the Workforce Board by December 9, 2024.
Once the results are final, programs that do not meet minimum standards will no longer be listed as ETP-eligible on Career Bridge. While the appeal is pending, the program will not lose ETP-eligibility.
To file an appeal, send a letter stating your intent to appeal to the Workforce Board at:
Attn: ETP Appeals
Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
128 10th Avenue SW
Olympia, WA 98504
Or email us at: and put "ETP Appeals" in your subject line.
Another option: Send an appeal to your local Workforce Development Council
Find your local Workforce Development Council.
The appeal letter must include:
- The program(s) in question.
- The reason(s) for the appeal.
- The training provider's signature.
*Please indicate in your letter whether or not you are choosing to submit supplemental data.
After your initial appeal letter is received, training providers can submit supplemental data to support their appeal.
View a copy of the supplemental data guidelines on the Workforce Board's ETPL page. Click on the ETPL Performance Review Tab at the bottom of the page.
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